A vibrant and inclusive community of faith serving the beach cities and westside of Los Angeles
Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children, and walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.
-- Ephesians 5:1-2
October 13, 2024
Dear Family of God,
Generosity is a journey, it’s a practice that we learn and nurture within our hearts.
It just isn’t in our nature to give away what we have worked hard to acquire or to
donate our precious time without compensation. It takes something as radical as
Love to inspire us to share our time, talent, and treasure with others. This is a
journey we make together, a Walk in Love.
As we have lived with the Gospel of Mark this year we have been brought into a
world turned radically upside down. The laws and customs that had been in
place for centuries were challenged, power and dominion have been
questioned, and a culture hemmed in from all sides by oppression and
subjection desperately seeks a way forward.
As it turns out, it is not clever politics or force that cause the change in society,
but the simplest concept of Love. Jesus causes a revolution of thought and heart
by daring to reach out to the outcast and teach others to do the same. He walks
in love with the marginalized, with the poor, with the sick, and brings us along
with him on his journey.
The most miraculous gift of Love is within us all. All we have to do is tap into it,
and keep growing it. We learn to share, to give, to volunteer, to accompany
others, to feed, to pray, to visit, and to work for change. This year as our season
of stewardship kicks off, we will raise up stories of how we Walk in Love with
each other in our congregation. I invite you to share your stories of inspiration
and connection with our shared ministry in this place and with each other.
Prayerfully discern what God is encouraging you to give, and return your
completed Estimated Giving Promise Card at the Feast of All Saints' on
November 3. Remember that you can reduce your Estimated Giving at any
time should circumstances require it. Together, let's Walk in Love.
Faithfully in Christ,
Jennifer Wagner Pavia, Rector
The Wardens and Vestry of St. Bede's
Supporting the Mission and Programs of St. Bede's is now easier than ever. On-line parishioners can now fill out the Giving Estimate form below. Then you can set up either one-time or recurring donations by clicking on "DONATE NOW" below. These donations are processed through myvanco.com.
For more information on pledging or to speak to a member of the Stewardship Committee, please email office@stbedesla.org or contact the church office at (310) 391-5522.
For Frequently Asked Questions regarding pledging, please click here.
Planned Giving
Planned giving encompasses a variety of ways to create a gift to St. Bede's using accumulated resources. Although planned giving usually involves financial or estate planning, it is not reserved for the wealthy. Instead, planned giving is for anyone concerned with the wise use of their personal resources and provides the opportunity to make a considered choice about their ultimate disposition. Planned gifts are either outright gifts (i.e., gifts of appreciated securities, real property, personal property, cryptocurrencies, etc.) or deferred gifts (i.e., bequests, charitable gift annuities, charitable trusts).
For more information on the various ways to make a planned gift to St. Bede's, please email office@stbedesla.org or contact the church office at (310) 391-5522.
Gifts-in-kind are non-monetary items of tangible property such as equipment, art, collectibles, and other personal assets or materials that represent value to the St. Bede's Community. Acceptance of gifts-in-kind is restricted to gifts that support the mission of St. Bede's will not assign a value to an in-kind gift except for internal purposes. Gifts-in-kind of $500 or more require IRS Form 8283 to be claimed as a deduction. Gifts of $5,000 or more also require an independent appraiser's signature on IRS Form 8283. For information on tax-deductibility, please consult your tax advisor.
For additional information or questions regarding gifts-in-kind to St. Bede's, please email office@stbedesla.org or contact the church office at (310) 391-5522.
Matching Gifts
Did you know your employer may sponsor a matching gift program that could help you double or even triple your support by leveraging this program? Please contact your Human Resources department for information on whether they offer matching gifts to nonprofits.
For additional information or questions regarding matching gifts please email office@stbedesla.org or contact the church office at (310) 391-5522.