A vibrant and inclusive community of faith serving the beach cities and westside of Los Angeles
Below are answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about giving, pledging and how budgets work at St. Bede’s Church of the. For questions about your pledge or for further information, contact the office at (310) 391-5522.
Q: What is a pledge?
A: A pledge is a financial promise. Each autumn, we renew our commitment to one another and the ministry of the Church by making a financial pledge. A pledge may be changed as needed throughout the year by calling the finance office. You are welcome to fill out a pledge card at any time.
Q: Why is my annual pledge important?
A: Annual pledges support everything we do and are at St. Bede’s – from supporting our outreach ministries to our musical offerings to having outstanding staff. Every pledge matters, and even a small increase in your yearly personal giving is magnified dramatically when our entire community gives together.
Q: How much should I give with an annual pledge?
A: We ask each person to consider making a pledge that is both responsible and significant based on their financial situation. A tithe (10% of one’s income) is often a benchmark reached after incremental increases each year.
Q: When should I pledge?
A: We ask everyone to pledge during October of each year to plan our budget for the coming year. Of course, new pledges are welcomed throughout the year.
Q: When do I pay my pledge?
A: Many people fulfill their pledge monthly, quarterly, or even in one payment. However, you may fulfill your pledge in as many payments as you wish throughout the year. Pledges are fulfilled on a calendar year basis, beginning January 1.
Q: How can I pledge when I don’t know what I can afford next year?
A: A pledge can be adjusted during the year if your circumstances change. We suggest that you pledge responsibly, based on your best estimate of the year’s income.
Q: Are my pledges tax-deductible?
A: Generally, Yes! St. Bede’s is a registered 501(c)(3) religious institution. You will receive a quarterly statement of your contributions for tax purposes. Note that in instances where your payment is covering a non-deductible expense, your contribution may not be deductible. In addition, some taxpayers may also be limited in the deductible amount. Please contact your tax advisor for further details.
Q: Does St. Bede’s live within its means?
A: Our Church does live within its means, and each year the Vestry adopts a balanced budget. Your pledge made during the annual pledge campaign is critical to establishing that budget, as our income projections are based primarily on pledges that we receive from our members. If pledges are not received, then adjustments are made in the Church’s budget and programming, sometimes during the program year, which is why we close every year in the black.