A vibrant and inclusive community of faith serving the beach cities and westside of Los Angeles
Reverend Jennifer's Installation
The Procession
Photo credits: Penny Jennings
The beloved congregation
Visiting priests show their loving support
Sr. Warden Bond Harper delivers a warm welcome to all in attendance while Rev. Jennifer looks on
Sr. Warden Bond Harper & Jr. Warden stand-in Alice Short accept letter of installation from Bp. Taylor
Rev. Jennifer holds up painting of St. Bede's, a gift given by Vestry members Emily Mayock & Roman DelRio
Bp. Taylor gives lively, relevant and powerful sermon
Rev. Jennifer & daughters Emma & Francesca engage in a loving embrace after they give her a family photo gift
Bible & Breakfast representatives, Ralph & Cay Sibley, give Jennifer gift of Bible & Commentary
Holy Communion
Dismissal given by our newly installed rector, The Rev. Jennifer Wagner Pavia
The Recession
We all toast our newly installed rector, Jennifer!
A Letter from Rev. Jennifer
Dear Friends,
January 29 marks one year when St. Bede's Search Committee members first interviewed me on a Zoom call. I imagined if this community could be my spiritual home. With generosity, kindness, and the ease of a group well known to each other, they asked thoughtful questions with genuine curiosity about my life in and out of the collar. Even through a computer screen, I could sense a distinctive ethos and vibe, and wanted to know more about you.
A few meetings in person, and a lunch with the Vestry later, I felt a strong tug of the Holy Spirit calling me to ministry alongside you. At the same time, the Spirit called St. Bede's to partner in ministry with me. We both said yes!
We've spent a liturgical year together (Advent, Christmas, Ordinary Time, Lent, Easter, and more Ordinary Time), inspired and empowered by the Spirit that leads us forward. I've seen how "belief in faith through action...united in Christ through the values of social justice, diversity, and our call to love and live our faith in this world" are not just aspirational words from your Parish Profile. This is my witness of you living your faith within and outside these four walls, caring for each other and working together to help heal a hurting world.
Saturday January 6th, on the Feast of the Epiphany, the LA Diocese recognized the special partnership between rector and congregation at a service of The Renewal of Ministry with the Welcoming of a New Rector. Diocesan Bishop John Harvey Taylor presided over a packed house of the faithful. Friendly and generous ushers welcomed family, friends, and clergy from around the Church, and our new friends from A'Havat Torah. Glorious music from Music Director Frank Basile and the choir, a beautiful sanctuary decked out for Christmas and Epiphany, a thoughtful and creative liturgy, an abundant (and fun!) reception by the Sisters of Bede, and everyone else involved to host an important service of this size, made it a day I will never forget. Bp. Taylor preached with his trademark wit, and depth of thought and feeling. His affection and respect for this community is obvious. We laughed, we cried, we passed the peace for fifteen minutes! We were gifted a day of blessing and joy. St. Bede's is featured in the Bishop's Blog of the Episcopal News. You can read it here: (https://diocesela.org/the-bishops-blog/)
I am grateful for the trust you have placed in me to lead, pastor, and love you all through good days and challenging ones. We live in a time of heightened fear and violence, making the Gospel message of hope, peace, and God's unwavering and inclusive love more important than ever. In thanksgiving for our own resources and abilities, we live into ministry that seeks to break down barriers, serve all people, and love our neighbors as ourselves in the name of Jesus the Christ.
As Bp. Taylor instructed before the final blessing, "We have celebrated this new pastoral relationship in the great prayer of the Church. Jennifer, I commend to your love and care the people of St. Bede's. My brothers and sisters in Christ, I commend to your love and care your new Rector, colleague and friend, Jennifer."
God’s blessing be with you,
Christ’s peace be with you,
the Spirit’s outpouring be with you, now and always. Amen.
Yours in Christ,