A vibrant and inclusive community of faith serving the beach cities and westside of Los Angeles
MAY 2023
COVID-19 cases continue to drop in Los Angeles. In accordance with County policies, we no longer require masks to be worn, though many parishioners prefer to wear them. We have resumed in-person meetings for most activities. However, we continue to ask that anyone experiencing symptoms of COVID to refrain from exposing others. Recognizing that some parishioners still have personal health risks, we will continue to offer the following accommodations:
If you need a mask, they can be found in the Narthex as you enter the door.
The 10AM service is livestreamed, which may be accessed https://www.stbedesla.org/live. Past services can be found at https://www.stbedesla.org/videos
Indoor or outdoor in-house seating at both 8AM and 10AM services.
Bible and Breakfast Tuesday morning in-person at 9AM and on Zoom starting at 9:30AM. The current readings can be found at https://www.stbedesla.org/bb.
Wednesday Adult Forum in-person and on Zoom starting at 7:50PM. For the current topic, check https://www.stbedesla.org/education.
Sisters of Bede meetings are offered in-person at 6:45PM. Some meetings will have Zoom coverage as well. Please check with Daphne for the special Sisters of Bede Zoom contact number and on Zoom, typically starting at 7:30 PM.
Additional events may have virtual or in person options.Check the Quill at https://www.stbedesla.org/thequill for updates.
Our usual Zoom Meeting ID: 574 349 6585, Password: 545724
The Reverend Jennifer Wagner Pavia